Urban Planning the Government and a Changing World
Nov 26, 2011 Comments Off ursadminWhen people think about urban planning, usually what comes to mind is the more clerical and demographic view of the practice. Subjects such as zoning, utilities, residential areas and similar dry, bureaucratic topics are the most prevalent of the thoughts associated with urban planning. [caption id="attachment_11" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="© Ilja Masik - Fotolia.com"][/caption] Apart from a few ...
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Social Aspects of Climate Change
Nov 26, 2011 Comments Off ursadminTo understand the vulnerability of urban populations to climate change, it is imperative to first understand what constitutes vulnerability. With respect to climate change, vulnerability is defined in terms of three elements: •The exposure of a system to crises, shocks and stresses. •The ability of a system to cope with these perturbations. •The outcomes and risks that accompany ...
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The Need For Energy Efficiencies in Cities
Nov 26, 2011 Comments Off ursadminCities are one of the most important part of a country’s economy. The economic health and growth of today’s city is linked to energy consumption and a city that has planned ahead will be resilient to changes in energy supplies and prices. It is the resilience of cities that make a country more energy independent ...
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Urban Research Symposium
Nov 26, 2011 Comments Off ursadminCities and climate change have been the primary focus of the Urban Research Symposium since 2009. There is collective agreement among the worlds leading scientists that global warming needs to be prepared for immediately, even urgently in urban areas. The symposium's focus has moved forward-- to the impact of urban growth on climate change. Supporting the ...
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Cities and Climate Change
Nov 26, 2011 Comments Off ursadminClimate change is a worldwide phenomenon in which there is a rise in the temperatures. Rise in temperatures can result into rise in sea levels. Extreme weather occurrences may be experienced. They include: floods, Storms and droughts. Outbreak of diseases may also occur. All these catastrophic events may have a negative effect on cities in ...
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